
Player Roster

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Handle H.I.
Aguiar, Paul 9.5
Altieri, Marc 6.5
Appleby, Phillip 17.7
Bailey, Jeff 9.6
Bamrick, Kirk 5.9
Bernardini, Mark 12.8
Bingham, Pete 10.9
Bowling, Ray 20.2
Brockett, Jerry 19.3
Callahan, David 14.6
Chang, Howard 15.2
Claar, Tim 13.5
Clark, Steve 9.8
Conkings, Larry 7.9
Corral, David 7.8
Crafton, Keith 21.8
Cuyugan, Rory 15.8
Devine, Tim 16.3
Dodge, Bill 14.5
Driscoll, Vincent 3.9
Ecker, Richard 21.6
Ewell, Darrell 16.8
Fairbanks, Wayne 10.2
Gapasin, Kenneth 5.9
Gardner, Colon 19.1
Gentile, Rich 19.1
Gonzales, Jim 9.5
Grieshaber, James 16.7
Guillen, Peter 11.5
Hijazi, Ali 17.4
Hill, Richard 3.4
Hunter, Scot 11.4
Hyman, Tracy 5.6
Journigan, Henry 7.7
Kaiser, Brad 7.7
Keane, Michael 8.1
Keil, Mark 14.2
Kelly, John 9.3
Kerwat, John 27.5
Khuong, Q.T. 13.8
Kies, Jon 8.8
Knight, Woody 20.6
Ledbetter, Michael 9.0
Levitt, Jonathan 6.2
Lininger, Dustin 9.3
Livesey, Brock 2.3
Matsuk, Leonard 19.8
McCann, Jamie 8.2
McDaid, Michael 12.8
McDaniel, Bruce 3.1
Mers, Ronald 17.2
Metoyer, Bruce 16.3
Molley, Steffnie 38.9
Molley, Thomas 6.6
Monachello, Mike 21.7
Monteilh, Gregoy 11.2
Moore, Tim 11.0
Morris, Kelly 3.7
Munoz, Mario 9.9
Nahin, Jim 20.6
Nahin, Steve 16.9
Neidermire, Paul 12.9
Niva, Pete 2.4
Padilla, Nesthee 0.0
Page, James 19.1
Palmer, Charles 18.6
Parks, Mike 15.4
Peters, Stephen 13.7
Pierson, David 7.0
Pierson, Shane 7.3
Pomeroy, Bill 8.5
Price, Kaeven
Price, Mark 12.1
Quinlan, Rick 20.8
Quirk, Paul 21.6
Quirk, Robert 19.3
Richards, Scott 9.8
Ronk, Jeff 6.1
Ryan, Kevin 2.5
Sandoval, Justin 2.3
Scott, Eddie 12.0
Shannon, John 19.7
Shaw, Raymond 5.0
Silva, Robert 9.4
Simon, Matthew 8.8
Snider, James 4.0
Stantchev, Boris 1.4
Stevens, Bill 10.0
Stokes, Mark 7.8
Thomas, Steven 22.5
Tsuchikawa, Rick 11.5
Villegas, Victor 13.7
Warnick, Russell 17.0
Westby, Dane 17.1
Wilk, David 7.8
Wilson, John 10.4
Wullschleger, Jim 22.1
Yoshioka, Jun 4.8
Zimmerman, Ron 4.0